Successful together

Our ultimate goal: all residents start their personal development at the library. That is why we want to offer the scalable platform to other libraries as well. By joining forces and benefiting from joint investments, we will eventually develop a virtual branch for the whole of the Netherlands. The Nieuwe Bibliotheek Almere is now also helping to build the library of the future!

Why participate? (#meedoen)

The more parties that join, the greater the power of the platform. And this is why the Virtual Library Platform is also interesting for your library organisation:

Only by working together we can realise the ambition of a virtual library for the whole of the Netherlands. We have invested in the first kilometres, other libraries can now step in.

Ronald Capelle, Program Manager Digital AanZet

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The library of the future

Everyone can continue to develop or relax 24/7 on the AanZet Library platform. After the launch in 2019, the number of visits increased by 50% compared to the previous year and that number is still rising! At the end of 2020, 69% of website visitors also said they found the website inspiring and 89% even indicated that the AanZet Library is a place where they can develop personally.

In addition to the online platform, together with AanZet and three other libraries (the New Library, the Gouda Library and the Boekenberg), we focus on Growth Marketing campaigns. These libraries are joining forces to collectively make a greater impact and increase their membership numbers. Campaigns are running on Facebook and Instagram during the Children's Book Week. Would you like to read more about the AanZet platform and the results achieved so far?

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Contact us

Will you join our digital revolution?

Call or email Koen!

Koen Rozendaal