Drupal is one of the most widely used open source Content Management Systems in the world. Thanks to the many plug-ins and the availability of an API, Drupal is suitable for many different types of websites, platforms and portals.

At Hoppinger, we have been proud to design, build and manage digital solutions in Drupal with more than 90 digital experts since 2011. From lead-generating corporate websites for multinationals, informative websites for hospitals and healthcare institutions, to content-rich community platforms with a complex information architecture for civil society organisations.

Hoppinger for your new Drupal website

A well-developed headless Drupal website is an asset to your digital landscape: an investment that you will enjoy for years to come.

Giuseppe Maggiore, CTO Hoppinger

Giuseppe Maggiore
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Drupal Gold Partner

We have been active in the Drupal community for more than 10 years. We speak at conferences and sponsor Drupal meetings. We are therefore proud to be a Gold Partner of the Drupal Netherlands Foundation.

We accelerate digital growth

Hoppinger is part of the Hoppinger Group. With over 20 years of experience and more than 90 digital experts, we are your digital partner for the long term. With our broad knowledge of digital growth and transformation, we help organizations to map out their digital strategy. We not only give advice, but also design the user experience and realize the technology. After go-live, we stay involved and guide our customers to the next step of their digital ambitions. This is how we accelerate digital growth.

Do you want to develop a Drupal website or platform with us?

Contact Dirk or leave your details. Then we will call you back as soon as possible!

[email protected]
010 - 22 10 190
